My 2020 Year in Review

My 2020 Year in Review


4 min read

Hello all, this post details my 2020 year in review.

πŸ™ Survived

I'm grateful for this life I have.

Yes, It's one of the unique years.

  • Meeting a lot of new people turned into never meet anyone other than my family in person.
  • Commuting to work for an hour every day turned into a couple of steps to my home office
  • Running to the meeting rooms turned into joining Zoom meetings.

It's crazy. At the same time, it's the new normal or new future of working remotely. I'm very glad that the industry I've worked in found a way to accommodate these new changes. How did I feel for the first three months in remote? It's a mixed feeling. I watched a lot of news, read the stories of how humanity survived with previous pandemics, and worried a lot. At the same time, I stopped worrying by hoping this pandemic will end soon by God's grace and the power of science.

On a positive note, I've spent a lot of time with my family. My expenses went low. I spent time learning new things, doing life hacks, and playtime with my kid. I see that gave the new perspective of the life ahead. Pretty sure the perspective of work and life got changed and made me grateful for what I've.


I'm a speaker at technical meetups and conferences. I've presented 17 talks this year. The last meetup I've attended in person in February 2020 at South Florida Developers Conference. All the other talks I've presented are online. The good news is I got the opportunity to speak at the amazing communities in India about Flutter, Kubernetes, GraphQL in Google Developer Groups, and Flutter Meetups.

Check out my talks here I've done on 2020 and the previous year's talks.

πŸ“šBlog Posts

I've started my blogging platform in Hashnode towards the end of the year. My blog articles are focused on AWS, Containers, Auth0, Google ML, and more. I've focused on writing more articles consistently. Hopefully, I will write more technical articles in the year 2021.

πŸ“– Certifications

Technical Certifications will keep you updated. This year, I've done a lot of certifications with online proctoring.

  • Azure Devops Professional
  • Azure Security Specialty
  • Azure IoT Specialty
  • AWS ML Specialty
  • Boomi Professional and Architect Exams

Check my earned certification badges here.

🚚 Open source contributions

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I've contributed to Dapr and other open-source projects this year.

πŸš€Member of Dapr project

Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) is a portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, microservice stateless, and stateful applications that run on the cloud.

I've become a member of the Dapr project. I've contributed AWS and Azure components of Dapr.

πŸ§‘β€πŸš€Auth0 Ambassador

I became Auth0 Ambassador in December 2020. I'm looking forward to a Developer Relations career and giving back to the community by sharing identity and security knowledge in meetups, videos, and conferences.

That's pretty much contributions this year. Hoping for a wonderful year ahead.